To take the initiative and to grab opportunities are essential success factors that determine upon the continuity of a company. BUSS Comunicação turned 15 and celebrated its birthday with clients in Lisbon on the 12th October 2016.

1-andreia-felix-e-silke-bussAndreia Félix and Silke Buss

2-exposicao-de-momentos-memoraveisPhoto exhibition with 60 memorable moments

Silke Buss, João Duarte and Wolfgang Kemper

Luis Marques with the hosts

5-a-historia-da-buss-comunicacao-e-feita-de-acaoThe history of BUSS Comunicação is made of action

6-silke-buss-partilhou-cinco-marcos-da-historia-da-buss-comunicacaoSilke Buss recalls five milestones of the history

7-wolfgang-kemper-elogia-a-coragem-de-silke-buss-por-tomar-a-iniciativa-num-mercado-dificilWolfgang Kemper praizes Silke Buss’ courage to take the initiative in a difficult market